Nisa Local Mansfield
Your RDMs, Store Development Managers and Fresh Food Managers work with you to create a store that is unique to your needs.
Our store development manager has been absolutely fantastic for our store, helping us plan every aisle. During our refit he was here every day supporting the merchandisers, even on his birthday.
Your Store Development Manager will support with refit plans and a Fresh Development Team is there to support with growing your fresh offering in a way that's relevant to you.
Our store development manager Chris was here every day before the refit, he planned every item on every aisle. I can’t thank him enough. We plan everything around fresh now and basket spend has doubled
Access to 2200+ Co-op quality products including award-winning lines.
We stock 900 Co-op lines and fresh has completely changed our business. Customers come to us now, they don’t have to go to the supermarkets and we’ve doubled our basket spend.
Sunny Mann, Nisa Local Mansfield