Vimto Summer Pudding
- 400g mixed berries (e.g. strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants), fresh or frozen and defrosted, with juice retained
- 1 tbsp caster sugar
- 200ml Vimto cordial
- 5 medium slices of white bread, crusts removed
- Utensils-wise...
- You will need a 500ml pudding bowl, or similar domed dish!
Put the berries into a dish and add the sugar and Vimto cordial. Set aside to steep for half an hour. Drain the fruit and put the juices into a shallow dish.
Reserving one slice for the top, dip the slices of bread into the juices, one at a time, and mould them all round the base and inside of the pudding bowl, filling in any gaps.
Fill the centre with the fruit, then cut a circle from the other piece of bread, dipped in the juices, to fit the top of the bowl – it should reach right to the edge. If you run out of juice for dipping, don’t worry – it will seep from the fruit later.
Cover with clingfilm and chill.
After two hours, remove the clingfilm and turn the pudding over on to a rimmed plate (the rim will catch any excess juice), leaving the bowl on top until you want to serve it. This will make sure the base is full of juice and the pudding keeps its shape.
Remove the bowl and serve at room temperature cut in wedges, with a good dollop of clotted cream.
Taken from the Vimto Seriously Mixed Up Cookbook by David Clare and Paul Hartley.