Nisa retailer in Scunthorpe responds to ‘Save our Sheep’ campaign
Gosal Supermarket in Scunthorpe has responded to a plea from Oasis Academy Parkwood by donating £1,000 through Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally (MADL) charity to the ‘Save our Sheep’ campaign.
Oasis Academy is unique in the North Lincolnshire area with the academy also hosting a farm on the grounds. The farm consists of a variety of animals, such as sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens and guinea pigs with the occasional cow visiting.
The school are currently experiencing soaring costs and struggling with the cost of living crisis – putting the future of the farm at risk. The academy launched a JustGiving campaign to raise £500, whilst also entering various fundraisers to save the sheep. To date, over £800 has been raised.
Tracey Norris, Oasis Academy Parkwood’s Principal, said: “The school’s pupils and staff would be so upset to lose this wonderful resource. The farm is such an asset to our academy as it can help reduce children’s stresses and break free from behavioural challenges.
“The children learn new skills, learn to cope with risks, overcome fears, become increasingly independent and build a deep sense of confidence in their abilities. Animals help children to practice caregiving and nurturing and empathy. This £1,000 donation will provide a lifeline to the school’s farm.”
The convenience store on East Common Lane is owned by Harry Gosal. The donation was made through Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity, utilising the ‘A Moment in Time’ scheme to help support time-sensitive funding needs.
Harry added: “We are happy to donate to Oasis Academy Parkwood’s farm. As soon as I saw the SOS plea, I knew I could help, especially in these current difficult times with the cost of living rising, and we would like to thank our customers for their continued support through the purchases of Co-op own brand products in our stores.
“Without their support these community donations would not be possible. Hopefully the £1,000 will help sustain the school farm for at least the next year.”

Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity was established to support local communities, allowing Nisa-affiliated retailers to support local causes that matter to them with charitable donations. Every time a customer purchases an item from the Co-op or Heritage own brand ranges in-store, a percentage is added to the store’s charity fund, to be donated to a local good cause.
Kate Carroll, Head of Charity at Nisa, said: “MADL makes such an impact in communities in many different ways, and it is fantastic to hear that Gosal Supermarket are able to make best use of the funds raised to donate to such a brilliant cause. Providing the best possible learning platform for children is a fantastic cause to get behind and I’m hoping the children at the academy will continue to benefit from this unique farm for many years to come.”