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Nisa Brown Edge supports local community

The community of Brown Edge in Staffordshire got creative to raise money for a local hospice with a craft fayre hosted by the Nisa Local store in the village.

Amacor’s Nisa Brown Edge invited local people into the shop to enjoy the fun whilst fundraising for the Douglas Macmillan hospice and a local family affected by cancer.

Handmade crafts made by Amacor’s Area Manager Kath Griffiths, were sold and raffle tickets were available to buy. Meanwhile, there were also games to participate in ensuring the event attracted all ages.


Almost £1,000 was raised on the day which was then rounded up to the £1k mark with funds from the store’s Making a Difference Locally (MADL) fund – money raised instore through the sales of Co-op own brand products along with collection tins at the till.

Amacor now plan to host more fundraising days in store to further increase their community support.

Michelle Lymer, Store Manager said: “We are very passionate about helping people and supporting charities, especially those in our village. My own area manager made all our craft ornaments, wreaths, candles, and sweet bouquets so we could raise this money which was a fantastic amount, and we couldn’t have done it without the wonderful support of the village."

“We decided to do a raffle as well for a special family in the village who are going through a tough time due to cancer and proceeds from the raffle were used to make a Christmas hamper for the family.

“We could not be happier with the amount we raised and for such a good cause.”

Helen Walker, Making a Difference Locally Marketing Manager said: “This was a brilliant effort by the team at Brown Edge. We are always delighted to see our retailers getting on board with any in-store fundraising and help by providing an in-store fundraising kit so retailers can easily promote their activities.”