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Ashcott Football Club nets a donation from Gwilliams

Gwilliams of Edington have donated £200 to Ashcott Football Club through Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity, to help towards the purchasing of new goal posts for their recently acquired sports field.

Ashcott FC is a community club providing football to local people of all ages, with levels including mini football, youth football, senior football and veterans football. The club’s home pitches are at the Coronation Playing Fields in Ashcott.


Ashcott FC was formed following a merger between Abbey Moor FC and Ashcott Youth FC for the start for the 2013/2014 season. Their aim is to provide football for all ages within the stability of the same club.

The £200 donation was made by local grocery and hardware retailer Gwilliams of Edington via Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity which was established to support local communities, allowing Nisa-affiliated retailers to support local causes that matter to them with charitable donations.

Colin Macpherson from Ashcott Football Club said of the donation: “We have recently opened a new field at the football club’s home ground. This is brilliant but we need some goal posts so that teams can use the new pitches.

“These goals can be accessed by over 60 adults and 120 children in the youth teams and we have been trying to raise funds. They need to be self-weighted and portable so they can be moved easily. These come at a cost of £2,500, so for our club this is a massive amount of money for us to find on top of all of our other expenses.

“We are very close to our required total and this donation could see us over the line!“